Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reasons to be thankful..

hey guys! today I'm going to talk about a simple, yet powerful principle of life. that is, to be THANKFUL.. yeah! I have a simple question for you, Do you want to live a rich, meaningful and abundant life? The key is to have a GRATEFUL HEART. It sounds so simple, I know. Masters and Teachers all across time and space have taught us this powerful truth. yet, it becomes challenging when we have to deal with the problems and burdens that come our way.

when we truly begin to be grateful, it can change our lives dramatically.
You don't have to believe me. Just try it. And you'll see how it can transform your life.

below are some simple reasons to be grateful. maybe some of us never thought of it, but these are the blessing of God to us, and we should rejoice every of His blessing if we really understand and realize that how many hundreds of thousands of people out there who never even heard his parents voice, nor even sang a song.

Be thankful to God, simply because..

1. YOU ARE ALIVE... Life is a gift. Mornings are gifts. Every time you wake up, stretch out those arms and say, “thank you for the gift of a brand new day!”

2. YOU CAN SEE... Oh to have the gift of sight! What a blessing! With your eyes, you can watch the magnificent world you live in. You can see your face in the mirror. there are thousands of people out there who never even know how their face look like!

3. YOU CAN HEAR... The thousands of fibers found in your ears could pick up the whisper of the leaves in the trees, the waves of the ocean, the raindrops falling on the roof, the loud thunder, the laughter of children, the ringing of the phone, and hear the words “I love you”

4. YOU CAN SPEAK... You can utter words that can encourage, inspire, teach, guide, comfort, uplift and motivate. but how many have u said the words “Thank you” to God and your parents? be grateful!

5. YOU CAN MOVE... You are joy in motion. You have the ability to dance, walk, run, hop and skip as you travel the road of life.

6. YOU CAN EAT... You can enjoy different food…the sweetness of ice cream and cakes, the crunchy veggies and mouthwatering seafood. shouldn't we thankful to the healthy food we eat and gives us energy and helps us to grow?

7. YOU CAN DRINK... You can drink and allow water and fresh juices to quench your thirst. You can drink a toast to celebrate a wedding, a romantic evening, or warm your body on cold winter nights.

8. YOU CAN SMELL... You can smell KFC, durians, and perfume. except when you have cold =.=

9. YOU CAN TOUCH... Your hands can caress and soothe a loved one. You can touch and feel the different textures- soft, rough and silky smooth. With your touch you can express your love without words.

10. YOU CAN READ... When you look at the words and letters, they are not jumbled or inverted. Having the ability to read has open your doors to knowledge and wisdom found in books, magazines, newspapers and the internet. you can read this post and later realize that you have every reasons to be grateful!

there are actually a lot more reasons why we should be grateful. But It's enough for me to conclude that, we are the best creations of God. It's true that some of us may be less than the others. But believe me, each of us have at least an advantage that many of the people out there would cry to have. Never regret to have problems in your life. SO WHAT?! everybody have problems. Instead, be THANKFUL. problems simply means you are alive. and as I say earlier, LIFE IS A GIFT!


cold winter said...

I am so grateful and thankful for every experience in life, be it painful, happy or sad.. Life has been beautiful and it is all from the blessings of God..

Miki Aya said...

Indeed, life is a gift. thanks for reminding me that, before I start wallowing in my misery, again :)